5 Items You Should Buy Used

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5 Items You Should Buy Used

With costs rising everywhere from gas prices to rent and everything in between, we know how much it means to the average person to save every penny you can. Gently used items can still have a long lifespan, and you can enjoy significant savings off the price you would pay if you bought the item new (2).

We compiled a list of 5 items you should consider buying used;

1. Second-Hand Furniture

The reality is this: people move, people redecorate, people don’t want to deal with heavy stuff. Look around your house. I’m sure there’s lots of furniture that you don’t think needs to be replaced. It’s perfectly good! What if you need to move and moving the furniture will cost as much as just buying new furniture when you get there? You’d probably be happy to sell a couch for $100 if it means the people come and move it out for you! (1)

2. Tools and Lawn Care Equipment

Lawn-care and other home care equipment is like a mix of cars and electronics. They depreciate the moment they’re “driven off the lot”, and they’re also frequently updated with the next new technology and other bells/whistles. (1)

3. Pre-Owned Cars

With building technology improving and so much competition, cars have fewer and fewer problems long-term. Perfectly good cars are sold by their first owners all the time, simply because they want something new or different. And after five years, a car worth thirty thousand drops to twelve, almost sixty percent less than its original value! (1)

4. Exercise Equipment

Many buy equipment like treadmills, ellipticals and free-weights with the intention of starting a healthy regiment but fall-off quickly. These are the perfect items to buy used because most often, they're still in great condition.

5. Refurbished Tech

Refurbished tech can be one of the greatest ways to save. Many companies such as Best Buy, Target and Amazon Warehouse offer refurbished items such as game consoles, laptops, and tablets. You can save as much as fifty percent from the original price on even the latest tech on the market.


  1. https://maximizeminimalism.com/most-popular-second-hand-items-our-top-10-list-of-things-to-buy-used/
  2. https://www.rd.com/list/buy-used/
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